Categories: Ecommerce

3DCart Vs Shopify 2025: Which One Is The Winner? (Top Pick)

Are you planning to start your e-commerce store? Is the internet the ray of sunshine for you to initialize your own business? Do you even wish to spread your setup over the net to fetch you more clients? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then what you need is an online support partner. There are various platforms, over the net sites and other resources to help you out with these queries. 

In this article, we are going to discuss two famous e-commerce platforms namely 3Dcart Vs Shopify that support your e-commerce idea in the best way possible. We are going to conduct a comparison between the two platforms based on their features, specialties, characteristics, and services they provide along with the pricing factor.

3DCart Vs Shopify: Overview

3DCart and Shopify are e-commerce platforms that, in comparison, give us the conclusion that they are mostly alike in the types of services and features they possess. Both the platforms help you construct your website and also serve you in developing your startup idea. The method that both the platforms possess is very similar and quiet alike. Prior to we get into the dilemma of 3DCart vs Shopify comparison, we should have the basic knowledge of the basics of the two software and what services they have to offer.

3DCart- An Overview

To kickstart our debate between both the platforms we would go serially starting with 3DCart. 3DCart is a platform that serves you as an all-rounder and is serving more than 25000 clients all over the world. 3DCart helps with all the necessary amenities, trademarks needed for the smooth running of your website. 3DCart offers you mobile-optimized themes and you can then customize it in whatever format you want with various computer languages such as HTML. 3DCart gives you the liberty of making payments in the most transparent manner as they have a collaboration with more than 100 payment platforms including Paypal, and others to name a few. 

3DCart helps you by providing you with the management body that has parameters such as managing the stock exchange, trafficking, shipping, details about the inventory, marketings covered under them. 3DCart premium plans are divided into four pricing plan categories. With each upgrading plan, you get more and more services. Also, the most expensive premium plan can’t be afforded by all the possessors. To tackle this situation, 3DCart has come up with few measured solutions as well. 

Shopify: An Overview

Talking about the rival of 3DCart in this article, Shopify, on the other hand, is quite diverse and already has nearly 8,00,000 clients using this platform all over the globe. Shopify provides you with all the necessary services and features that are needed to run a website and simultaneously allows you to tailor and run the website. With Shopify, you are given the liberty to choose between the themes that Shopify has to offer or you yourself can design the theme of your web store with the full support of the platform as they will help you with all the required parameters to do so. They also have an option of “you like a theme, you get the theme” in which you can add a theme that you like and then can customize it.

With Shopify, you are given complete freedom to manage your own services, run your inventory, serve the clients with customer support, and most important thing to convert a client into buying a product from your platform by making their shopping experience smooth right from selecting the product to making payment for it in an easy go. Shopify also has its very own Shopify Payments so that if you don’t have any of their collaborated payments partners you can easily make a payment using Shopify Payments. 

3DCart Vs Shopify: Features

3DCart Features

The following are the features that make 3DCart different from other known eCommerce platforms

  • Online store builder: If you wish to ornament your website or the website, 3DCart has more than 80 themes that are totally customizable and moreover, more than half of these themes are free of cost. As mentioned every theme is customizable and the computer language that is used to do so is HTML.
  • Domain name: Another feature that makes 3DCart different from other platforms is its domain name. All the clients that subscribe with 3dcart are given a unique domain name which is recorded and you can renew it every year for no additional cost. If you have your own startup that has its own domain name, 3dcart helps you to circulate that name as well.
  • Shopping cart and checkout: 3DCart has its very own shopping cart and checkout apparatus which is the most effective formulae they have designed to ease the pressure over their subscribers. The platform comes with three modes of checkout, namely a Three-step checkout, second being several-recipient checkout, and the last one being the single page checkout.  The customers get the facilities like the go-cart, attachment of a wishlist, and also if any event is nearby, you can schedule a gift for the occasion.
  • Payment processing: 3dcart has collaborated with more than 100 payment partners. To name a few we have Paypal, Stripe, and others.  3DCart also entertains e-check mode of payments or additional platform sites like Apple pay or Amazon Pay.
  • Customer support: 3DCart is always ready to support their subscribers in whatever way possible. They have pillars from their in-house team, 24/7/365 via the ticket methodology, phone, or live chat. 3DCart also comes with a YouTube channel, HTML guide, user manual, and eCommerce university accessible to the customers.

Shopify Features

Like 3DCart, Shopify aims to offer business possessors set of features to the eCommerce platform which include:

  • Drag-and-drop editor: One feature that makes Shopify attract merchants of all skill levels is their drag-and-drop editor. This is a feature that helps you to decorate your website. All you need to do is select a theme from over 70 themes that the platform has to offer and then you can easily edit and ornament the theme in the best way possible using the languages of HTML and CSS. Moreover, your Shopify store comes with a blogging platform as well as a content management system.
  • Shopify Payments: Along with other social media payment platforms one unique feature that Shopify comes up with is the Shopify Payments. This mode of payments is included in their website itself which makes it easy for the clients to make payments. Shopify has more than 100 collabs with others over the net payment platforms.
  • Store management: For the smooth functioning of your e-commerce platform, it is very necessary for an owner to take precautions regarding the inventory, store management, and other management bodies. If you opt for Shopify, you need not worry about any of these parameters as Shopify has included all these under their services that they supply to their clients. The clients have the liberty to open their own accounts. One-click and get your order refilled is the motto that Shopify follows. With Shopify, you need not worry about the depletion of products. If in case the stock of a product runs out, the platform automatically stops taking orders from the people.
  • Mobile functionality: Shopify has its own mobile app for increasing the number of clients as well as for the smooth functioning of the platform. In this world of modernization and smartphones, each and every person has their own smartphone. Making the most of this, Shopify has developed a free business development app that manages your complete business right from the word go.
  • Customer Service: The customer service feature in Shopify works 24/7. Also if there is any problem that the client is facing it is resolved as soon as possible. Shopify customer service comes with the help desk where you file your complaint and the experts in that section are there to help you out with the solution to the problems you are facing.

3DCart Vs Shopify- Pricing Review

3DCart Pricing-

Both platforms have similar four-week plans in terms of pricing. But 3DCart stands out in certain terms making us lean on their side. As mentioned earlier in the article, both the platforms have a startup store plan for which you will have to pay a total amount of 19$ for the span of four weeks. The startup store plan does not have all the benefits that the platform has to offer but at the same time has all the basic necessary services needed to run a website. Both the platform also supports advanced features limited to the basics in this plan. 

3DCart has the online credit payment option on one hand and on the other hand various payment platforms. 3DCart gives you the liberty to choose from over 100 possessors and doesn’t charge you for collaboration with other people.

Shopify Pricing

Shopify would cost you 10$ more than 3DCart and you will have to spend a total amount of 29$ a month to work with Shopify. As they charge you more than 3DCart, they also serve you with more features as compared to the rival platform. Shopify has a unique feature named Shopify lite where you need to pay just 9$ for the features. Consider this as a trial or demo version of the platform.

Shopify has the same payment platforms but comes with an antique feature of Shopify pay on their website to make payments easy. In the case of Shopify if you wish to do the same you will have to pay additional transaction fees between half a percent to 5% depending upon your usage. Go through this lite pack and then decide whether to invest more in Shopify or turn to any other platform.

Verdict– 3DCart is the winner in terms of cost and pricing

Which Platform Stands Out in Terms of Ease Of Use?

The best feature of the Shopify platform is that it is easy to use. Shopify is very easy to use with all the features and services it has to offer. Using Shopify you can quickly and at very ease can start your store online. For Shopify, you do not require any special skills or techniques. All you need is to follow the methodology that the platform has to offer and you will not be dejected. Though the themes in Shopify are very realistic and customizable you can even ornament it according to your style.

We should not think of Shopify directly as it has come to the e-Commerce market much before 3DCart has arrived, as 3DCart is straightforward. You need not take a detour to learn all the features of 3dcart.  You don’t have any web experience, you will find it very difficult to ornament your website as for that you have to have the knowledge of various computer languages like HTML and CSS. Shopify comes with the option of “what is advertised is what you will be served” feature where the customization of themes is very easy.

Verdict– Shopify is the Winner

3DCart Vs Shopify: Which platform serves you the best?

With so many similarities in both the E-Commerce platforms, choosing a platform from these two can be really difficult. The first and most important thing before choosing any platform, you need to take care of is that whichever platform you choose should fulfill your requirements and necessities that you are looking to develop your website or e-commerce platform. If any of the above platforms fulfills more than 80-90% of your requirements then why not go for the same!

If you are completely new to website building or starting a new business over the net and have no knowledge about e-Commerce then you should go for Shopify as it is easy to access for new people. 3dcart might be cheaper than Shopify but it requires more of the computer language skills and it is very difficult for a person to have both the knowledge simultaneously. But if you know the coding languages and have a silver spoon in it you should go for 3dcart given the condition mentioned at the start of this line.

At last, if you are really confused about which platform you should choose between the two, I would suggest you try both the platforms.  As mentioned above in the article, both the platforms have a trial or demo version at a cheaper price. Decide for yourself what platform you wish to opt for.

3DCart vs Shopify- My Honest Review- Which is Platform is Worth your Money?

Talking about 3Dcart, people love to use 3dcart as it comes at a cheaper price and in addition to its price, it comes with all the basic facilities that are needed without the payment of any additional charges. Talking about the negatives in 3dcart, this platform is not easily customizable and tough to navigate making it difficult for the people to use it. The people having knowledge about computer languages always opt for 3dcart.

Customer service is the most important polarizing point of 3Dcart reviews as it has a strong hand in people’s minds. The majority of people are happy with the customer services that 3dcart offers. Also, there are people who choose to Shopify over 3dcart as they have better customer service.  People had mixed reviews about 3dCart with few being on the customer support side, and few giving very poor experience reviews.

The Shopify platform is quite diverse and has been running well in the market of e-Commerce for long. Most of the customer reviews regarding Shopify are good as you need not have any knowledge of computer languages, still, you can run this platform smoothly. With so much name in the market, few negative comments don’t hurt Shopify as people find this platform easy to operate. The Shopify platform being more popular, it’s not too flabbergasting to watch that the user reviews are positive. The aspect that has got Shopify ahead in the race is the Shopify app on the app store. People can easily get access to the platform through their mobile phones, laptops, tablets, and other electronic items.

In terms of pessimistic remarks, clients perceive that Shopify can be expensive, especially when you make numerous transactions and use a mediator payment gateway. In addition to this, few servers note that the availability of apps is co-operative, these can prove costly, especially if you add collective integrations.

Quick Links

3DCart vs Shopify: Customer Reviews

3DCart Reviews & Testimonials

Shopify Reviews & Testimonials


Is there any trial or demo version for both platforms?

There is an option for the trial version for both platforms. But you need to pay a minimum amount to enjoy that service. Once you are done with the trial version you can go for the premium version and select the platform you feel is favorable.

Is computer language skills of HTML and CSS necessary for 3dcart?

Yes, you need to have the basic knowledge of these languages because to decorate, ornament or customize the theme that you select from the 70-odd themes that platform has to offer you can be done only using these languages.

How many pricing plans does Shopify have?

Shopify has four plans that you can go for. The first one is the basic plan, the second one the advanced plan, the third the universal plan, and the last one is the Lite plan.

Which is the platform that has the best usability?

Depending on the skills you can choose between any of these platforms. If you are new to the e-commerce market, you should go for Shopify and on the other hand, if you are good at computer language, you can even go for 3dcart.

Conclusion: 3DCart Vs Shopify 2025– Which One To Choose?

As we come to the end of this debate of 3DCart Vs Shopify, I would just say that both the platforms are very renowned and are of high caliber. On one hand, where 3Dcart is improving on its number of subscribers, Shopify being for quite a bit in the market has now developed a family with so many clients. Coming over the comparison points there are areas where Shopify wins the battle and areas where 3DCart comes up as a winner.

Talking about the pricing, 3DCart being new to the market compared to Shopify, would save your pockets. Shopify also won’t cost you much but if we have to compare between these two platforms, I would say, go for 3DCart.

Both platforms have their advantages and disadvantages. You have to check for features and pricing to make your decision. We hope this comparison between 3Cart Vs Shopify will help you in getting to the right decision.

Anikesh Singh

Anikesh Singh has an impressive 5-year track record in writing about WordPress, page builders, and plugins. With a rich history at prominent platforms, including Yourstory, Bloggerideas, and Tweak Your Biz, Anikesh has refined his expertise in website building and web hosting. Since 2018, he has been dedicated to the world of themes, website building, and WordPress, offering comprehensive insights and recommendations. Away from the digital landscape, Anikesh finds joy in exploring new destinations and immersing himself in the world of literature. Stay updated on Anikesh's latest insights and recommendations by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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