When you purchase a hosting name many web hosting companies will offer you a free domain. As usual, these domains will be free for the first year. After that, you have to renew at a fee set by the company. Hosting companies also have their own terms and condition they add –on additional charges like domain name privacy. You can get it free from many registrars. This can be a good idea if you purchase your OWN DOMAIN separate from your hosting charges.
The free services which are being provided by the hosting services may be interrupted anytime. They have several terms and services for the free services provided by them. They will first inform you before ending the free offer. You should move your data to another server. If somehow they closed the new registrations then you should redirect your links to new domains. If you will not do so then they will close your service. Even in the last, you will not be able to redirect your old link.
In 2010 yahoo Geocities closed their free service. They said that the new registrations will not be accepted and the old domains will remain functional. All you had to do at that time was to buy their paid plan. All the geocities were decommissioned but not deleted completely.
The data is not completely backed by its owners and the readers will not be able to recover the data.
This is the truth that, thee blog you have created, your hand You have to work according to the terms and conditions of web hosting providers. It is clear from the above instructions that you can not sell the, share or transfer your blogspot to any another person.
The free web hosting service will never spend much on security issues.
A company named 2ip which was offering the free hosting services. All were attracted towards the free service of this hosting company and started their blog. But unfortunately due to lack of security their servers were hacked by the intruder completely. They sent emails to their users saying that their servers were being hacked. They were saying that they can not complete backup the data. If you want some genuine company then you should go with the Bluehost.
Web Host | Price | Action |
| $3.92/mo | Read Review |
| $10/mo
$4.95/mo | Read Review |
$4.00/mo | Read Review Visit Online | |
$3.95/mo | Read Review Visit Online | |
$4.46/mo | Read Review Visit Online | |
$2.75/mo | Read Review Visit Online | |
$3.15/mo | Read Review Visit Online | |
$3.96/mo | Read Review Visit Online | |
$2.45/mo | Read Review Visit Online | |
$3.95/mo | Read Review Visit Online | |
$4.01/mo | Read Review Visit Online | |
$3.25/mo | Read Review Visit Online | |
You can not control over the server resources. If somehow your blog becomes popular on the internet then your will go down certainly.
Also Read:
Do not get involved any type of fake advertisement. No one will work for you free without expecting anything from you.
Recently you may have tried the free co.cc domains. We would see this and know the every possible information. Co.in and Co.cc are not the same. When we are talking about Co.in then it’s a TLD means a top level domain. And it was approved by IANA. But when we will be talking about CO.cc then it is not TLD, the .cc is TLD but overall it’s complete name means website name.
They provide subdomains for free. So know the difference between ex.co.in and ex.co.cc these are not the same. When you will buy the co.in it means that you are buying you domain and if you are buying .co.cc then it means it is subdomian.
They can terminate your access at any time or they can change it to paid ones. If somehow they shutdown their website then your own blog will go down. So get the right domain with the right registrars.
Everyone wants to save their money and want to get many free services but instead of going with that option you should buy the cheapest hosting. They will offer quality service at the cheapest price. Try to build your own home land. If you want to start your own blog then never choose the free hosting services.
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