
60 Michelle Obama Quotes About Leadership And Success 2024

In 2008, Michelle Obama was thrust onto the national stage as she become First Lady of the United States. She quickly won over Americans with her intelligence, grace, and West Wing wit.

As she prepares to leave the White House, we’re taking a look back at some of her most memorable quotes. These words offer insight into Mrs. Obama’s views on everything from politics to parenting to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Whether you’re a longtime fan or just getting to know her, these quotes will show you why Michelle Obama is one First Lady you don’t want to miss.

Michelle Obama Quotes 2024

1. “There are still many causes worth sacrificing for, so much history yet to be made.” ― Michelle Obama

2. “You can’t make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen.” – Michelle Obama

3. “Your story is what you have, what you will always have. It is something to own.” – Michelle Obama

4. “There is no magic to achievement. It’s really about hard work, choices, and persistence.” – Michelle Obama

5. “If you are committed to doing what it takes, anything is possible. It’s up to you.” – Michelle Obama

6. “No country can ever truly flourish if it stifles the potential of its women and deprives itself of the contributions of half its citizen.” – Michelle Obama

7. “Success is only meaningful and enjoyable if it feels like your own.” – Michelle Obama

8. “Walk away from friendships that make you feel small and insecure and seek out people who inspire you and support you.” – Michelle Obama

9. “Real change comes from having enough comfort to be really honest and say something very uncomfortable.” – Michelle Obama

10. “We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own ‘to do’ list.” – Michelle Obama

11. “If my future were determined just by my performance on a standardized test, I wouldn’t be here. I guarantee you that.” – Michelle Obama

12. “I’ve seen firsthand that being president doesn’t change who you are. It reveals who you are.” – Michelle Obama

13. “Empower yourself with a good education.” – Michelle Obama

14. “The lesson being that in life, you control what you can.” ― Michelle Obama

15. “Bullies were scared people hiding inside scary people.” ― Michelle Obama

16. “Just do what works for you, because there will always be someone who think differently…” ― Michelle Obama

17. “People who are truly strong lift others up. People who are truly powerful bring others together.” ― Michelle Obama

18. “I have had to learn that my voice has value. And if I don’t use it, what’s the point of being in the room?” ― Michelle Obama

19. “Grief and resilience live together.” ― Michelle Obama

20. “Good relationships feel good. They feel right. They don’t hurt.” ― Michelle Obama

21. “The easiest way to disregard a woman’s voice is to package her as a scold.” ― Michelle Obama

22. “I was deeply, delightfully in love with a guy whose forceful intellect and ambition could possibly end up swallowing mine.” ― Michelle Obama

23. “I’ve learned that it’s harder to hate up close.” ― Michelle Obama

24. “I hate diversity workshops. “Real change comes from having enough comfort to be really honest and say something very uncomfortable.” ― Michelle Obama

25. “Focus on what you can control. Be a good person every day. Vote. Read. Treat one another kindly. Follow the law. Don’t tweet nasty stuff.” ― Michelle Obama

26. “No one, I realized, was going to look out for me unless I pushed for it.” ― Michelle Obama

27. “Most people were good people if you just treated them well.” ― Michelle Obama

28. “And there’s grace in being willing to know and hear others. This, for me, is how we become.” ― Michelle Obama

29. “Inspiration on its own was shallow; you had to back it up with hard work.” ― Michelle Obama

30. “It hurts to live after someone has died. It just does.” ― Michelle Obama

31. “It felt perverse, how the world just carried on. How everyone was still here, except for my Suzanne.” ― Michelle Obama

32. “The punches hurt, even if I understood that they had little to do with who I really was as a person.” ― Michelle Obama

33. “The more popular you became, the more haters you acquired.” ― Michelle Obama

34. “There are still many causes worth sacrificing for, so much history yet to be made.” ― Michelle Obama

35. “If my future were determined just by my performance on a standardized test, I wouldn’t be here. I guarantee you that.” ― Michelle Obama

36. “Whether you come from a council estate or a country estate, your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude.” ― Michelle Obama

37. “One of the lessons that I grew up with was to always stay true to yourself and never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals.” ― Michelle Obama

38. “You can’t make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen.” ― Michelle Obama

39. “When they go low, we go high.” ― Michelle Obama

40. “When I hear about negative and false attacks, I really don’t invest any energy in them, because I know who I am.” ― Michelle Obama

41. “For every door that’s been opened to me, I’ve tried to open my door to others.” ― Michelle Obama

42. “Friendships between women, as any woman will tell you, are built of a thousand small kindnesses… swapped back and forth and over again.” ― Michelle Obama

43. “One of the lessons that I grew up with was to always stay true to yourself and never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals. And so when I hear about negative and false attacks, I really don’t invest any energy in them, because I know who I am.” ― Michelle Obama

44. “Women endure entire lifetimes of these indignities—in the form of catcalls, groping, assault, oppression. These things injure us. They sap our strength. Some of the cuts are so small they’re barely visible. Others are huge and gaping, leaving scars that never heal. Either way, they accumulate. We carry them everywhere, to and from school and work, at home while raising our children, at our places of worship, anytime we try to advance.” ― Michelle Obama

45. “We should always have three friends in our lives-one who walks ahead who we look up to and follow; one who walks beside us, who is with us every step of our journey; and then, one who we reach back for and bring along after we’ve cleared the way.” ― Michelle Obama

46. “I’ve seen first-hand that being president doesn’t change who you are. It reveals who you are.” ― Michelle Obama

47. “We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own ‘to do list.” ― Michelle Obama

48. “Success isn’t about how much money you make. It’s about the difference you make in people’s lives.” – Michelle Obama

49. “Every time you fail and get back up, you practice perseverance, which is the key to life. Your strength comes in your ability to recover. – Michelle Obama

50. “Find people who will make you better.” – Michelle Obama

51. “You can’t just sit around. Don’t expect anybody to come and hand you anything. It doesn’t work that way. – Michelle Obama

 52. “Every day you have the power to choose.” – Michelle Obama

53. “One of the things I realized is that if you do not take control over your time and your life, other people will gobble it up.” – Michelle Obama

54. “Failure is a feeling long before it becomes an actual result.” – Michelle Obama

55. “We need people who believe that global warming is real.” – Michelle Obama

56. “Success isn’t about how your life looks to others. It’s about how it feels to you. We realized that being successful isn’t about being impressive, it’s about being inspired.” – Michelle Obama

57.“There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.” – Michelle Obama

58. “Don’t be afraid. Be focused. Be determined. Be hopeful. Be empowered.” – Michelle Obama

59. “What I knew from working in professional environments—from recruiting new lawyers for Sidley & Austin to hiring staff at the White House—is that sameness breeds more sameness, until you make a thoughtful effort to counteract it.” – Michelle Obama

60. “Focus on what you can control. Be a good person every day. Vote. Read. Treat one another kindly. Follow the law. Don’t tweet nasty stuff.” – Michelle Obama

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Conclusion : Michelle Obama Quotes 2024

Michelle Obama is a source of wisdom and inspiration for many people all over the world. Her words have power, and we can all learn something from her about strength, resilience, and hope.

What do you think Michelle Obama’s quotes mean to you? How will you apply them in your life? Let us know in the comments below.


A graduate of the IIMC, Diksha enjoys writing about marketing, Saas products, and making money online. Her goal is to help others make more informed purchases of tech products and services. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, watching movies, and listening to music. An ardent reader loves to be surrounded by technology. You can follow her on LinkedIn and Instagram

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