Net Worth

Steve Eisman Net Worth 2024 – Salary, Income & Life Teachings

Neuberger Berman’s managing director, Steve Eisman, is a well-known American businessman. He is also an investor who focuses on CDOs (shorted collateralized debt obligations).

Steve Eisman is a well-known American investor and businessman who benefited from the housing collapse in the United States from 2007 to 2008. He was born on July 8, 1962, in New York City, USA, and grew up there.

Steve Eisman Net Worth 2024

Steven Eisman’s estimated net worth in 2023 was estimated to be $1.5 billion.

Born on July 8, 1962, Steven Eisman is a prominent American businessman and investor who has successfully built a million-dollar empire through his illustrious career. His financial achievements are a testament to his professional success.

Quick Facts

Age 59 Years
Height 1.67 Meter tall
Net Worth $1.5 Billion
Date of Birth 23rd Jan 1960
Place of Birth New York
Weight 70 Kg

Steve attended Yeshiva Schools before graduating from the University of Pennsylvania with Latin honors in 1984. Following that, he graduated from Harvard Law School. Eisman married Valerie Feigen, a well-known American actress.

Steve Eisman’s age currently is about 59 years old.

So, how well do you know Steve Eisman? If not much, we’ve included all of the information you need to know about Steve Eisman’s net worth, including his biography, career, net worth, and personal details. So, if you’re ready, here’s all we know so far about Steve Eisman. So, let’s get started.

Early Life & Biography

Steve was born on July 8, 1962, in New York City.

He was raised by his parents, Lillian and Elliott Eisman. His parents were Oppenheimer brokers and used to work in finance. Their names are Elliott and Lillian Eisman.

He attended Yeshiva Schools, a Jewish school. Following this, he earned a bachelor’s degree in Latin from the University of Pennsylvania in 1984. He then went on to Harvard Law School, where he got a law degree. Valerie Feigen, a well-known American actress, is his wife. They’ve been together for 29 years.


Following his studies, he was hired by Front Point Partners, a unit of Morgan Stanley and a betting agency. He swiftly rose through the ranks of his company’s collateralized debt obligation team. In 2010, he increased the company’s value to over $1 million, establishing it as a global brand.

The book “The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine” by Michael Lewis centers around him. The popular film does as well, albeit his name was altered to Mark Baum. The film was nominated for five Academy Awards, winning one of them for Best Adapted Screenplay. In 2011, Eisman quit the firm.

The same year, he founded Emrys Partners with a $23 million investment. In 2012, however, he only made a 3.6 percent profit. Before he shuttered it in 2014, it was 10.8 percent in 2013. The fund’s assets were valued at $185 million at the time of closure.

Following this project, he joined Neuberger Berman as a managing director to assist them. He profited from educational institutions such as Education Management Corporation, Corinthian Colleges, and Thing IT Educational Services while in this capacity.


Steve Eisman’s most notable professional achievement is his standing as an entrepreneur. In his professional career, he has never earned an award. He may receive an award in the future because he is highly active in his area.

Life Lessons To Learn From Steve Eisman

Here are some Steve Eisman teachings that everyone should remember in order to be vigilant and constantly be prepared to challenge the system in any situation.

Here is a short video of Steve about his view on Bitcoins:


  1. Hit up the Reality

When Steve Eisman, played in the film as a fund manager in Manhattan, learns about the chance to make money by betting against the housing market, he doesn’t restrict his job to crunching financial data.

He travels to Florida with his team to meet and speak with persons involved in the housing sector, as well as to inquire about market and credit mortgage circumstances.

There, he meets a stripper who owns three flats, all of which are financed with variable-rate mortgage loans.

He also talks to retail bankers, who joke about how little scrutiny they need to do on their new borrowers’ assurances because the loans would be compressed into securities and then sold to financial institutions right away. That is how he recognizes the system is hot and malfunctioning.

  1. Keep an eye out for indications

Hearing anything that differs from what is usually accepted? Take advantage of the chance to inquire. It might be incorrect, but what if it’s correct?

  1. Examine the chain

Every signal may appear to be in order, yet something may still sound questionable to you. Not everything should be taken for granted. Analyze every aspect of a process. Something may have been overlooked in a rationale simply because no one bothered to look at it.

  1. Peel the onion

Do you believe you’ve discovered anything intriguing? Don’t just stop there. Continue your investigation to determine the entire scope. Your first impression may have been too gentle or too dramatic.

  1. Long-term commitments

Staying conformist may always sound more comfortable in the short term if you assess something differently. It may cause you to avoid awkward or conflicting circumstances.

However, you may have noticed something that others have not. So explain to people why you think differently, and stick to your beliefs.

  1. Seek senior guidance

It’s easy to believe that your “out-of-the-box thinking” ability will enable you to do anything. In a certain situation, you may not have all of the weight necessary to properly confront what is at risk. Obtaining assistance from qualified and experienced individuals might be beneficial.

They may have the essential foresight to lead you and balance your views with an outside perspective.

Quick Links:


In conclusion, Steven Eisman, the renowned American businessman and investor, has amassed a massive net worth.

Through his successful career, Eisman has established himself as a prominent figure in the business world, accumulating substantial wealth along the way. His accomplishments serve as a testament to his entrepreneurial skills and financial acumen, solidifying his position as a notable figure in the industry.

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