
50 Quotes By Tyler Perry To Learn About Life 2024

Tyler Perry is one of the most successful African American filmmakers in Hollywood.

He has created numerous films, television shows, and theater productions that have entertained audiences around the world.

Perry is a master of words, and his quotes are both wise and humorous. In this blog post, we will explore some of Tyler Perry’s best quotes. We hope you enjoy!

Tyler Perry Quotes 2024

1. “Focus on one thing, make it your priority, and stick with it no matter what!” — Tyler Perry

2. “He who has the gold makes the rules.” — Tyler Perry

3. “It doesn’t matter if a million people tell you what you can’t do, or if ten million tell you no. If you get one yes from God that’s all you need.” — Tyler Perry

4. “The road that I’m on is a path that I didn’t choose. It chose me. I’m just trying to walk it, and to do the best that I can to honor and respect it.” — Tyler Perry

5. “God gives everyone a lane and no one can beat you in your lane. Just stay focused on Him and what you are supposed to do. And everything will be alright.” — Tyler Perry

6. “A mother’s love is stronger than distance, more powerful than time and can transcend the grave.” — Tyler Perry

7. “My biggest success is getting over the things that have tried to destroy and take me out of this life. Those are my biggest successes. It has nothing to do with work.” — Tyler Perry

8. “When you haven’t forgiven those who’ve hurt you, you turn back against your future. When you do forgive, you start walking forward.” — Tyler Perry

9. “You can get a thousand no’s from people, and only one “yes” from God.” — Tyler Perry

10. “Forgiveness is giving up the hope of what happened to you from being different.” — Tyler Perry

11. “Once you’re truly happy with yourself alone, that’s when you are safe to find the right person to spend the rest of your life with.” — Tyler Perry

12. “I don’t think the dreams die – I think that people give up. I think it gets too hard.” — Tyler Perry

13. “It’s not an easy journey, to get to a place where you forgive people. But it is such a powerful place, because it frees you.” — Tyler Perry

14. “If it had not been for The Lord on my side I don’t know where I would be.” — Tyler Perry

15. “Don’t wait for someone to green light your project, build your own intersection.” — Tyler Perry

16. “I thank God for Closed Doors.” — Tyler Perry

17. “I think every one of us, in life, have some sort of moment that has happened that we wish we could have done differently or that we wish could have had a different outcome.” — Tyler Perry

18. “Life is so precious, such a gift, and that you have to live for you.” — Tyler Perry

19. “Everyone can relate to love, hurt, pain, learning how to forgive, needing to get over, needing the power of God in their life.” — Tyler Perry

20. “I’m always on to something else. It’s like, I’m sitting here now jotting down notes for something that’s in my head. There’s always something going on in my head, and I have to just keep executing.” — Tyler Perry

21. “It’s most important that you surround yourself with positivity always, and have it in your mind at all times.” — Tyler Perry

22. “The key to life when it gets tough is to keep moving. Just keep moving.” — Tyler Perry

23. “If you don’t want my God here, you don’t want me here either. God has been too good to me to go and try to sell out to get some money.” — Tyler Perry

24. “You can never be upset with the people who forced you into your dream or up higher.” — Tyler Perry

25. “I was a very poor young black boy in New Orleans, just a face without a name, swimming in a sea of poverty trying to survive.” — Tyler Perry

26. “Fear is a sprit that really can stop you from living.” — Tyler Perry

27. “I live my life outside of the box because when I die they’re going to put me into one!” — Tyler Perry

28. “Forgiveness is important in families, especially when there are so many secrets that need to be healed – for the most part, every family’s got them.” — Tyler Perry

29. “True love can come more than once.” — Tyler Perry

30. “What excites me? I think it’s moving and uplifting my audience. Having them get it and go with it. That excites me.” — Tyler Perry

31. “I try not to take on the weight or the burden of it. Once it’s on the paper, I try to leave it, because I want to surrender to what I’m supposed to write about.” — Tyler Perry

32. “I tell people, if you’re thinking about suicide, all that stuff I’ve attempted and thought about it. If you think about it, life gets better. The key to life when it gets tough is to keep moving. Just keep moving.” — Tyler Perry

33. “Don’t believe the hype. I don’t care how many number ones you have at the box office, I don’t care how much they say you’re great, don’t believe it. Just stay in your lane and do what you’re supposed to do.” — Tyler Perry

34. “A degree on the wall, without labels on your back, is nothing.” — Tyler Perry

35. “Children love their mothers. Especially with a boy child and his mother, there’s a bond that’s unbreakable.” — Tyler Perry

36. “A hunter only shoots a deer he can see, if you ain’t being seen you ain’t doing nothing!” — Tyler Perry

37. “If you are in business trying to make it, things are falling apart and you can’t get it together and you don’t know what is going on and you wanna stop. Don’t stop. The only way you can make it and have true success in your life. And there’s one way. You can’t have any fear.” — Tyler Perry

38. “Don’t stop. Narrow your focus to one idea, and make it work. That will give birth to all of the others. All you can do is plant the seed and water it.” — Tyler Perry

39. “My mother was truly my saving grace, because she would take me to church with her. I would see my mother smiling in the choir, and I wanted to know this God that made her so happy. If I had not had that faith in my life, I don’t know where I would be right now.” — Tyler Perry

40. “I’m a child who was abused. I know the difference. I clearly know the difference. The whipping for correction and then their child abuse.” — Tyler Perry

41. “Life is so precious, such a gift, you have to live for you. Live your own truth, live the life that God has put you and nobody else on this Earth to live and not what somebody might be telling you to live.” — Tyler Perry

42. “Oprah is very, very, very special to me. She’s an amazing woman.” — Tyler Perry

43. “Tyler Perry’s brand is faith, family and this whole thing that I’ve built, while my company, 34th Street Films, is like Disney’s Touchstone. We can do anything. People don’t know what to expect from me yet.” — Tyler Perry

44. “I work three months really hard, nonstop, and then I take a month off. Then I do it all over again. I work hard but I give myself four breaks a year.” — Tyler Perry

45. “I’m very open to fresh talent, and I love the underdog, people who have been counted out, because they come in with a different type of hunger. I’m all for the underdog, so I’d like to talk to anybody who shows up with that sort of thirst.” — Tyler Perry

46. “The most important thing that I learned in growing up is that forgiveness is something that, when you do it, you free yourself to move on.” — Tyler Perry

47. “Rather than focus on your critics, focus on the people who are impacted by your work.” — Tyler Perry

48. “There will be rough nights but joy really does come in the morning.” — Tyler Perry

49. “I didn’t have a catharsis for my childhood pain, most of us don’t, and until I learned how to forgive those people and let it go, I was unhappy.” — Tyler Perry

50. “My father who was there in the house, he wasn’t at all a role model. And my mother, who was trying to protect me from him as best she could, she took me everywhere with her, which gave me a tremendous amount of sensitivity to the things women go through.” — Tyler Perry

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Conclusion: Tyler Perry Quotes 2024

Conclusion paragraph: Tyler Perry is known for his motivational quotes that often leave audiences laughing and thinking.

We’ve shared some of our favorites, but what are your favorite Tyler Perry quotes? Share them in the comments below!

And if you need a little more inspiration, be sure to check out our list of the best Germany proxies 2022 to help you get ahead this year.


A graduate of the IIMC, Diksha enjoys writing about marketing, Saas products, and making money online. Her goal is to help others make more informed purchases of tech products and services. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, watching movies, and listening to music. An ardent reader loves to be surrounded by technology. You can follow her on LinkedIn and Instagram

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